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Clusters Meet Regions conference in Krakow (Poland)

Cluster representatives Nadiya Karpluk and Victoria Kolisnyk as part of the Ukrainian delegation from the UKA visited #ClustersMeetRegions on December 11-12 in Krakow, Poland

Focusing on aerospace technologies, Smart Cities concept, lifescience and funding opportunities, the Krakow event was the 14th in the #ClustersMeetRegions series and aims to promote best practices where clusters play an active role in the regional economy and drive economic growth, as well as create and promote cooperation between clusters and regional stakeholders for the industrial development of the regions.

The first day of the event was full of inspiring lectures and panel discussions:

  • Prospects of using the aerospace industry for regional development

  • Nexus Research: Space Technologies, Social Perspectives, and Applications in Everyday Life

  • NEREUS and SATSDIFACTION project: cooperation for regional development

  • Cosmic Krakow is a smart city

  • Smart Territories - how to get involved with the NEB initiative

  • Smart City concept in cluster cooperation

On the second day, the delegation visited the ASTOR Innovation Room - a space where the latest technologies and Industry 4.0 solutions are demonstrated.

A delegation from UCA attended the conference in Krakow within the framework of the international cooperation program "EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs", which is jointly financed by the European Union and the German government. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports. More details:

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