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Training "Creation of joint service services. Improving the skills of UCA service managers"

The training was an important step in raising the professional level of the participants and developing the cluster services, contributing to improving their competitiveness and meeting the needs of the participants.

The training "Creation of joint service services" was successfully completed. Improving the skills of UCA service managers", conducted by Nadiia Karpliuk. Nadiia Karpliuk, business consultant and managing partner at K&K Consulting, certified business trainer, project manager at Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster, methodologist of the course "I am an entrepreneur" of the K.Fund.School project, master of economics and psychology, author of educational programs for entrepreneurs on business planning and increasing competitiveness, business trainer of educational programs for entrepreneurs of USAID, UNDP, Save the Children in Ukraine, co-founder of NGO "Agency for Sustainable Development and Innovation".

Members of Ukrainian Cluster Alliance service teams took part in the training. During 8 hours, the training participants had the opportunity to better understand the value of services from the cluster as a component of the strategy and business model. Using the proposed methodology and tools, they learned to identify pain points and explore the needs of participants, conducted practical work and developed interview questions.

The practical part of the training made it possible to deepen the knowledge and skills of the participants, to provide them with tools for analysis and development of their own services. Networking and matchmaking, fundraising, internationalization and communication services were considered key directions for the development of cluster services. Discussions were held on the developed services of the cluster, based on the researched needs of the participants: 2 services of the cluster for its participants and 2 services according to the Service Strategy from the UCA for clusters and SMEs. An important step was the definition of common criteria for the quality of services and key performance indicators, which will ensure their effectiveness and compliance with needs.

Some reviews from participants

Yuriy Klymenko: "Nadiia Karpliuk has been cooperating with the Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster since the first days of its initiation and during this time brought enough useful ideas and practices. But her last training, organized by UCA, demonstrated a new level of Nadia as a trainer, which, I am sure, will be valuable for increasing the organizational capacity of the region's clusters".

Oleg Demchuk: "Despite the fact that I have been working with clusters for more than 20 years, learning from Nadiia Karpliuk gave me new visions, new tools. I am passionate about structured information presentation, system approaches and practical cases. All this is about our training. I plan to order the same service for clusters with which "ASTAR" works.

Tetyana Vorontsova: "I consider training in the construction of cluster services to be key. Even at the annual conference of the European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brussels, which ended today, the CEO of EUROCHAMBRES BEN Butters said that the main thing MSM needs is services! Develop services - and you will be successful! Therefore training from Nadiia Karpliuk, which took place at the Rivne international medical cluster, will have practical application, strengthening already existing services for members."

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