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Ceremonial reception of the 2023 rector of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

A solemn reception of the rector was held, dedicated to the awarding of the most active and successful students of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University in education, science and social activities. Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster members also joined the event to support, share their experiences and wish the students well for the future.

Distinguished guests came to the event: police colonel, head of the Office of Strategic Investigations in the Vinnytsia Region of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine Dmytro Sosynovych, director of the Department of Social and Youth Policy of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Svitlana Yarmolenko, deputy general director of PJSC Vinnytsia Zavod "Mayak" (TM "Termiya" PJSC Vinnytsia Plant "Mayak"), Deputy of the Vinnytsia City Council Vyacheslav Terlikovskyi and Head of LLC "Ukrainian Weight Company - Bratslav" Ukrainian Weight Company Ivan Movchan

The rector of the Vasyl’ Stus DonNU, Ilya Vasyliovych Khadzhinov, addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech: "The solemn reception of the rector is a dedication to our traditions, which has a long history. Dear students, you are all unique and individual, and because you are different, you are the best! This is our strength and power, the desire to win and achieve something new.

Deputy General Director of PJSC Vinnytsia Mayak Plant, deputy of the Vinnytsia City Council, Vyacheslav Terlikovskyi, offered warm congratulations: "From the staff of the Mayak Plant and the Vinnytsia City Council, I congratulate the youth on the International Student Day and all the upcoming New Year's holidays. Thanks to the leadership of Vasyl’ Stus DonNU for the inspiring work! Students, rest assured that everything will be okay. We must always be optimistic and thank our defenders who defend our freedom and independence in this difficult time."

The head of LLC "Ukrainian Weight Company - Bratslav" Ivan Movchan gave some advice to applicants on how to become successful: "Student years are the most wonderful period in your life. It seems like only yesterday that I graduated from my Institute, although 20 years have already passed. In the 5th year, I started looking for an answer to the question, how to become successful? The secret is quite simple: be a professional in what you do, or do the same as everyone else, but one day earlier, and you will succeed. Get high, dream and act!"

The final chord of the event was the presentation of the rector's thanks to the 30 best winners of the university for their achievements in education, science, sports and social activities.

Youth is our future, our conscience and our role model.

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