Ukrainian Foundation of Startups launches new grant support program for dual-purpose projects to increase the country's defense capabilities and post-war reconstruction
Deadline: applications are accepted on a permanent basis
Amount: up to 35,000 US dollars
Geography: all areas
This is a non-repayable financial aid in the form of grants for dual-use projects, which simultaneously meets three needs:
covers the costs of project development;
provides access to the best mentors and experts;
increases the country's defense capabilities and promotes its rapid postwar reconstruction.
The new program of the Fund is designed to promote the creation and development of innovative dual-use products: technologies, processes or other components that distinguish such products from existing ones on the market or meet existing demand from both individuals and the state.
Under the program, the Foundation will support projects that focus on the following industries:
health care
infrastructure reconstruction
The grant is up to $ 35,000, of which $ 25,000 goes to the applicant's activities and up to $ 10,000 to pay for the services of an Accredited Accelerator.
You can get acquainted with the Regulations on the Grant Program of Dual-Use Projects and submit an application at the following link:
Source: website