For three days, 8 future trainers learned how to create innovations and develop interesting trainings on creative and innovative thinking for young people. The training took place as part of the Car-route Youth Career Navigation Center Phase 2 project implemented by the Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster.
This program equips trainers with knowledge of the basics of creativity psychology, tools and techniques that help unleash creative potential, and practical skills for organizing group dynamics that lead to the generation of new ideas and solutions.
The trainers have already begun preparing their own training programs for young people under the mentorship of Oksana Sedashova, PhD, associate professor at KROK Business School and international ambassador of creativity in Ukraine.
Next, the youth of Vinnytsia will take part in creativity trainings conducted by our coaches. 100 young people will receive practical skills in developing creativity and creating innovations in November
This training program is implemented within the framework of the project “Youth Career Navigation Center ‘Career Route’ Phase 2” Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster in the project “Supporting Children and Youth by Strengthening the Capacity of Grassroots Rapid Response Initiatives in Ukraine - Phase II”. This initiative is implemented by the Association of Ukrainian Peacekeeping School with the financial support of terre des hommes.